High Voltage Arcs And Sparks

Here is an interesting page from High Voltage Arcs And Sparks "More Arcs N' Sparks" (Updated 06/05/16)    Read and learn about levels of voltages with high voltage coils and transformer disasters. This is informative in terms of what various levels of high voltage can do. Continue to site to read more. ___________________________________________ A Scientific … Continue reading High Voltage Arcs And Sparks

Electric Fields near the surface of the earth.

   This is an interesting electrical physics problem, follow its development and ponder it merely for the fun of it.  Can you help this fellow solve this?  See if it has been solved.  1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data A 0.10 g honeybee acquires a charge of +23 pC while flying. (a) … Continue reading Electric Fields near the surface of the earth.

High Current 180 Ampere Pi Suppressor Integrated Filtering and Impulse Suppression

   For those of our readers who want to build their own HEMP shielded cabinet enclosures to house electronics, we have found an interesting product for your needs. A coaxial Pi Network low pass filter with or without surge suppressor. They are used as power line feed through terminals where a hole is drilled into … Continue reading High Current 180 Ampere Pi Suppressor Integrated Filtering and Impulse Suppression

Will solar panels survive a nuclear EMP (and dear God, why do we have to think about this?)

   With what sometimes seems like daily news headlines about the unstable leaders of rogue nations threatening nuclear attacks, people are understandably worried that civilization might end soon. Some other people have opined that civilization hasn't felt very civilized lately, and maybe it might be time for it to either improve drastically or get the … Continue reading Will solar panels survive a nuclear EMP (and dear God, why do we have to think about this?)