Senate Passes King Bill Protecting Energy Grid from Cyber-Attacks

From    WASHINGTON, D.C. – Yesterday, the U.S. Senate passed the Securing Energy Infrastructure Act, a bipartisan bill introduced by U.S. Senators Angus King (I-Maine), co-chair of the Cyberspace Solarium Commission, and Jim Risch (R-Idaho). Both Senators are members of the Senate Intelligence Committee and the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources (ENR). … Continue reading Senate Passes King Bill Protecting Energy Grid from Cyber-Attacks

‘Most dangerous’ hackers targeting U.S. utilities — report

E&E News    Some of the world's most dangerous hackers have zeroed in on the U.S. power sector in recent months, according to a nonpublic alert issued by the North American Electric Reliability Corp. this spring and new research.    The grid regulator sounded the alarm on March 1 with the industrial cybersecurity firm Dragos … Continue reading ‘Most dangerous’ hackers targeting U.S. utilities — report

ABC News: For 2nd day in a row, US military jets intercept Russian bombers off Alaska May 22, 2019

  Over recent years Russia has been testing our air space and patience with their bombers, these are acts of aggression, if we did this they would be ready to go to war. We must not fall asleep, Russia still flirts with the idea that nuclear war is inevitable. And now add China to the … Continue reading ABC News: For 2nd day in a row, US military jets intercept Russian bombers off Alaska May 22, 2019

Engineering Resilience into the Electric Grid   HDIAC Published on Aug 1, 2018   Grid resilience is of paramount importance for ensuring military and civilian continuity of operations.    Together with Dr. Fangxing Li, the James McConnell Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, HDIAC Subject Matter Expert Joel Hewett discusses … Continue reading Engineering Resilience into the Electric Grid

President Trump committed to a serious initiative to begin to protect the US power grid infrastructure.

   The news on March 26, 2019 was that President Trump committed to a serious initiative to begin to protect the US power grid infrastructure. Without a doubt this will open up avenues of research into means to effectively and economically address this problem. Furthermore this opens up a field for technicians, engineers and analyst … Continue reading President Trump committed to a serious initiative to begin to protect the US power grid infrastructure.

A Scientific Accident May Wean the World Off Fossil Fuels

  Some of the most famous scientific discoveries happened by accident. From Teflon and the microwave oven to penicillin, scientists trying to solve a problem sometimes find unexpected things. This is exactly how we created phosphorene nanoribbons — a material made from one of the universe’s basic building blocks, but that has the potential to … Continue reading A Scientific Accident May Wean the World Off Fossil Fuels

Lead lined drywall for radiation shielding applications.

   If you have plans on build an HEMP / nuclear hardened facility, you should consider both a hardened shelter above or beneath ground along with radiation shielding for your home or facility. Lead lined drywall and plywood can help to make a shield home or facility. Using drywall to cover walls and ceiling and … Continue reading Lead lined drywall for radiation shielding applications.